On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 01:06, Anne Wilson wrote:
> Well, I uninstalled everything on the list.  I then hunted through the 
> directories, found entries that had not been deleted and got rid of 
> everything I could find.  When I was sure that I had got rid of everything I 
> re-installed.
> I now have a working 0.9.17 ui, which will play my older low-grade encrypted 
> dvds.  However, attempting a new one still just loads the first track on the 
> playlist and stops there, without running.  slocate cannot find 
> xineplug_inp_dvdnav.so, despite the fact that I most definitely did select it 
> for installation.  Remove Software lists xine-dvdnav-1-0.beta2.1plf as being 
> installed.
> Where do I go from here?
> Anne

I think that it was mentioned before that the dvdnav function didn't
work too well AS OF YET...but hang on - I'm going to try it (again)...
Nah...didn't work.

Wed, 22 Jan 2003 07:50:00 +1100
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