On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 22:27, tuija wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm totally new with Linux and it probably shows too :-)
> I finally managed to fetchmail, by reading man fetchmail :-)
> Now I try to send mail also and when I type to:
> it asks subject, I wrote like test,
> and then I could write letter, but howto
> quit writing and send?
> What is the right command? Would I have
> to do any mailsystem conf before it will send?
> At least this Kmail client can send with either
> using sendmail or smtp, I don't know how it can
>  be possible, ain't sendmail config should be difficult?
> Thank you advance
>  Tuija

I'm not sure I understand what you're really doing, but it seems to me
that you're doing everything from a terminal/console - instead of using
the GUI mail clients - like Evolution, Kmail, Sylpheed, Balsa and the

Fetchmail is generally setup by running "fetchmailconf" - a GUI to
assist in creating a ".fetchmailrc" in your ~/home/yourname directory.
This then spools the mail you get from whoever your ISP mail comes from
- then you would use Evolution or Kmail (or whatever) to
read/reply/create mail - which then gets sent to either Postfix or
Sendmail for processing - then it gets sent out...

Playing around in a term with sendmail is very "tricky" at best...

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