In reply to et's mail, d.d. Fri, 24 Jan 2003 11:41:39 -0500:

>describe further...  the pci cards sit horzontal and mother board vertical,
>when you say "When it lies on the side". and when you say "it won't boot 
>properly (powers off immediately after switching it on)" does power off
>mean no ac at all? no lights? 

That is the weird part. There still is power. The indicator led on the
mainboard is still on. It is as if the system goes into
sleep/hybernate/standby immediately.

>is all the mem modules all the way down, no cards touching at all?. I would

There is only 1 256Mb DIMM in there, I reseated that yesterday. Should be

>remove all "unneeded" cards (leave only vid card) and see if the problem
>went away, adding one card at a time untill probelm repeats. also consider

I will give that a go as soon as I have time for it. Good idea, thanks.

>the power supply may be about to be replaced

It was replaced about 3/4 years ago when the original one died (fan stopped
running, nearly overheating the power supply, thank the gods for Gkrellm and
lm-sensors). I may take that one out and reseat it also.

Thanks everyone, for the help.
I really appreciate it.

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