On Wednesday 29 January 2003 07:22 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 Jan 2003 1:15 am, Pascal Goguey wrote:
> > Hello!
> Hello, Pascall.  Comments in-line -
> > I have a problem configuring the network on one machine that
> > should act as a bridge between a 10 machines LAN and the rest
> > of the world.
> >
> > I have a PC with 2 ethernet boards. One (eth0) is connected to an ADSL
> > modem (12 Mbps) by DHCP, and the other to the local network.
> >
> > The address provided by the ADSL modem is something like
> > I thought this kind of address was reserved for local,
> > but it seems I cannot change it.
> Are you sure this is the 'outside' address?  I would have thought that it
> was the 'internal' address that is meant to be the gateway. 
> 192.168.xxx.xxx is, so far as I know exclusively for use in local networks.
yep, he recieved it via dhcp from the router, it is only between the router 
and the linuxbox

> > So for eth1, I have set up the address
so use for eth1
> This puts eth1, and presumably any other computers attached to it on a
> different subnet.  Did you intend that?
> I would have expected all your computers to be on the 192.168.0.x subnet,
> with set as gateway.  Have you tried that?
> > I have downloaded the two CDs of Mandrake 9.1 beta. When I want
> > to configure the connextion sharing, it keeps asking me for CD1.
> > When I click OK, it spins for a while and then asks me again for CD1.
> > I have also tried inserting CD2 just in cas it was a typo, but it
> > does not work.
> >
> > Did anybody experience this problem? How can I solve it?
> Anne

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