On Thursday 30 Jan 2003 1:12 pm, Rifza Adriansyah wrote:

> In Indonesia, it is difficult to eliminate software piracy because the
> lecturers at University/College use Windows and Software under
> Windows to teach their Computer Science students. Microsoft Indonesia
> bound the campus with "Campus Agreement", so the campus can buy
> microsoft product at the discount price (10% off). I am sad if I see
> computer students using pirated softwares to finish their homeworks.
> What do they feel if they become programmers and someone crack or
> pirate their softwares ?.
> I use linux because I don't want to use pirated softwares. I feel
> guilty if I use pirated softwares. Well, it is about ethics. Law can
> be buy but your heart know that it is wrong.

Even in more affluent countries like the UK students are caught out be this.  
Colleges and universities were initially given a veery good deal by Microsoft 
but then found themselves tied in.  The result is that all courses are taught 
on MS software, and submissions have to be in MS format.  For one module I 
took I bought Visual Basic - I was a part-time student with a full-time job, 
so had to be able to work in my own time.  Close to the end of the module we 
were required to include an activex component.  The standard package won't do 
that - you need the pro version.  I ended up having to borrow a pirated copy 
just to do that one job.  I could not afford the package and I will never use 
it again.  I bitterly resent being forced into what I consider an immoral 

Registered Linux User No.293302

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