On 31 Jan 2003 09:52:00 +1100
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Attached is my signature generator. You're going to need to do a link
> on/usr/games/fortune to your /usr/bin directory, but after that, it's
> downhill...

I stuck mine in /usr/bin and made it executable.

fortune -a -s  /usr/share/games/fortunes > /home/charles/.signature   

echo "----------------------" >> /home/charles/.signature   

echo "Mandrake Linux 9.1" >> /home/charles/.signature   
echo "Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-1mdk" >> /home/charles/.signature  

echo "----------------------" >> /home/charles/.signature 

The -a and -s tells fortune to keep it short and clean


I never take work home with me; I always leave it in some bar along the way.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-1mdk

Attachment: msg117482/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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