On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 11:00, Jerry Barton wrote:
> I'm going to switch from using KDE to using Fluxbox but I have a few questions on 
> Could someone refer me to a site (or if you're patient, email me off-list) that will 
>show me how to configure:
> menus
> startup progams
> background
> what the 'slit' is and how to use it
> looking for a site that's fairly well explained.  I've googled a bit and see 
>instructions like "just go in and edit /whatever/file" without really explaining what 
>to do.  I'd like to switch to something a little more light weight without losing a 
>lot of functions.  I don't really need a full desktop environment but It would be 
>nice to know how to add something like a "Run Command" item to a menu, how to add a 
>couple (not many) desktop shortcuts if possible, use something like a dock (from what 
>i can tell this is what the 'slit' is), etc.
> TIA!
> Jerry.

I got a great proggie offa Freshmeat.net - called genmenu - it generates
menu stuctures for Enlightenment, Fluxbox (and others) - and as well,
with Fluxbox there is a proggie called Fluxconf that does the innards
for ya. Using them in conjunction with each other definitely makes for
wonderful usage overall. I don't always like hacking through
configuration files when I have too much work to do elsewhere, and that
was my resolution to the issue. Beautiful work for Enlightenment as well
- skads kul!

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                -- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"

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