At 02:38 PM 2/1/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Okay, like a lot of people, I liked install and remove integrated together but
I can live with them being split up...BUT....

Many, many times I go to install a package and it says:

"Everything already installed (is it supposed to be like that?)"

As su, I issued a "rpm --rebuilddb", but it didn't help.

Is there any way to get the Software Manager to realise whats correctly
installed and not?



Dark< >Lord

*giggles* Gee you've got the same question I was going to ask! I have a similar problem!

I used during the install of Linux the ability of the installer to go to the net & install updates & patches. Well, once I'd loaded linux up, I went to the Software Updater. It showed only 4 packages avail to update. Now that made little sense as I went to Mandrakes site, and it has patches there that were released after I had installed & used the installer/update util when I loaded Linux originally!

I know "rpm -q >packagenamehere<" works...but shouldn't the update software list this stuff too?


Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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