> Has anyone used Texstar's KDE3.1 rpms=20
> (ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/contrib/texstar/linux/distri=
> butions/mandrake/9.0/KDE-3.1)=20

People generally have had good success with the Texstar RPMS. That
said, I recently updated using the cooker RPMs and things generally
work well, save for one serious problem with the X autostart - which
may not be a KDE issue (probably not) but graphical logins don't
work. It claims the user does not exist in the logs, but just shakes
the screen and makes you relogin again.  I can circumvent that with a
telinit 3 and restart via 'startx', which I actually prefer doing.

The other issue is kstars - this one app is problematic; in some
releases it doesn't work at all, and in others it works very well. In
(at least) the 3.1 from cooker, it starts up but takes *far* too many
CPU cycles for itself. On my 1000mhz, most everything else is
unuseable if it is loaded, and simple commands within kstars take a
while before updating the screen. It's as if everything is frozen.

Also - anyone yet try atlantik (monopoly) - I've been waiting for a
decent way to play monopoly on linux (seriously) :) but atlantik
doesn't seem to want to do anything, it just sits there.

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