On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 13:07:22 -0300
"Angus Auld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have tried to RTFM about rpm, but find it thoroughly confusing. Any
advice/help would be truly appreciated.

To create an rpm build directory in your /home/you open a terminal and
mkdir -p ~/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS/i586,RPMS/noarch,SOURCES,SRPMS,SPECS,tmp}

This will create the necessary folder and subfolders.

You now need to create 2 files to also go in /home/you.
Open the editor of your choice and enter: (replace my personal info with

%_topdir               /home/charles/rpm
%_tmppath              /home/charles/rpm/tmp

%_signature             gpg
%_gpg_name              Charles A Edwards (pgp) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
%distribution           Mandrake
%vendor                 MandrakeSoft

save the file to /home/you as  .rpmmacros 
(note the leading period)

For the 2nd file enter:

buildarchtranslate: i386: i586
buildarchtranslate: i486: i586
buildarchtranslate: i586: i586
buildarchtranslate: i686: i586

and save the file to /home/you as  .rpmrc 
(note the leading period)

You are now ready to install, build, rebuild,...etc src.rpms or even
make your own from scratch. in /home/you . 

The script I used are just the basic/generic Mandrake scripts.
You can get fancier and more elaborate but for just personal usage
the above are quite adequate. 


Remember; manual were written by the informed to throughly confuse the

When does later become never?
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-3mdk

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