On Friday February 7 2003 10:06 pm, Robert wrote:
> How long will take approximately to download LM 9.0 using a DSL
> connection? I am well aware that each service and line could vary a
> bit, but just an approximate time, please.

    I get about 500 to 550 MB's/hour from decent sites with a 
1.5Megabit adsl line (~150K/sec). DSL connections also vary quite a 
bit, from half my speed to almost twice as fast. The mirror you use, 
and how many 'stalls' (mirror server pauses) you encounter are gonna 
be as big a factor as the speed of your connection. I guesstimated 
that the stalls added about 10 mins. to each iso I recently d/l'd (3 
x 650mb). Best way to minimize stalls is to use a d/l manager like 
d4x and d/l all the iso's simultaneously. Unfortunately all the iso's 
I recently d/l weren't on the mirror yet, so I had to get 'em one at 
a time as they appeared. Worst way is to use a browser to d/l.

    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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