On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 12:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi
> > is there any HTML e-mail client like outlook express?
> > Gil
> Hi Gil,
> Sure there is.  Evolution is one, kmail is another.  The first one is
> fancier (more like complete Outlook version, but buggy, at least in the
> 1.0.8 version) and there is kmail which is a pure mail client, working
> very nicely.  The only thing which GNU/linux software never managed to
> achieve is writing an email client capable to do what Outlook does best:
> expose your system to 60000+ viruses ;-)
> Enjoy!
> Andrei

What this guy is looking for is a *HTTP* mail client, specially suited
for Hotmail, like Outlook Express or Outlook.

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