On Saturday 08 February 2003 12:56 pm, Russ wrote:
> Again, I must respectfully disagree with you. Unless they can come up with
> another way to dress up plain ol text between friends and family, it will
> stay. Most people want eye candy and without it they will move on. Linux
> does not need the various GUI's to operate, but in order to get more people
> on board it is necessary to make it more flashy and the same goes with
> email. It does not need flashy to work but that is what many many many many
> people want. You can rant and rave about it all you want but that is life.
> It is not about what makes it work but about what people want.
> Yes there are security risks involved but anytime you make things easier,
> you risk security.
There are many who believe that people that want to use those kinds of 
features should not be using a computer, and at a minimum should not be using 
Linux.  It is a snobbish sort of approach.  Although there are some good 
points in the arguments, people are willing to take the risk for the 
eye-candy, so as long as they are educated to the risk and are willing to 
accept it, then I say so be it.

As for kmail, you can create html mails by specifying a different editor for 
composing mail.

How I deal with the security risks of html mail is with filters that whitelist 
people I trust.  If I receive an html e-mail from somebody not on my trusted 
list, it gets sent to a different folder that displays everything as plain 
text, so it can be examined without rendering the html.  If the sender is on 
the list, the message is forwarded to my inbox.

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