At 09:04 PM 2/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:


You must have some artistic/creative/designer-type friends, because all
of the HTML mail eye candy I get is spam. And from all the spam, most is
not eye candy but really poorly designed (I know from seeing the wife's
spam in Mozilla).

But I do get HTML mail from some friends, and it is just plain--they
don't spend hours designing a mail template, or spend any time doing
anything remotely interesting with the mail. In fact, most don't have
any idea they're sending HTML mail because they use Outhouse or
something and they just go with the default settings. For that reason,
I think HTML is a waste. I mean, if you're going to waste the bandwidth,
at least spend some time designing a nice stylesheet or something! And,
no tables--if you can't design columns using a stylesheet, you shouldn't
be allowed to send HTML mail!

But it is indeed wonderful for spam.


Shrugs my sister sends me these JPG's all the time & sometimes some poetry written with HTML. Spam..well... nothing I can say there. FWIW you're right ... 90% of all my HTML mail is spam.
But for some ppl as I said, its nice to use it in their mail. More power to them.

Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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