On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 09:04:20PM -0500, Todd Slater wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 05:35:43PM -0700, FemmeFatale wrote:
> > 
> > I'm going to risk abolishment to M$hits camp here or excommunication from 
> > the Linux community by saying this... but what else is new?
> > 
> > Russ I have to agree with you luvy.  Most ppl love eye candy.  I know I 
> > do.  I use Evolution for now but I love Sylpheed too.  For the avg person, 
> > HTML mail is wonderfully put together eye candy.  People are visually 
> > inclined mostly.  (Men moreso than women;  women are more auditorially 
> > oriented).  OTOH, there are still tons of ppl out there on very lowed comps 
> > with very simple email programs on those computers.  For them, HTML email 
> > is a PITA & just chokes their bandwidth/computers.

Only one in the past year have I received email in HTML form that was not spam.

-- hendrik.

> >
> <snip>
> You must have some artistic/creative/designer-type friends, because all
> of the HTML mail eye candy I get is spam. And from all the spam, most is
> not eye candy but really poorly designed (I know from seeing the wife's
> spam in Mozilla). 
> But I do get HTML mail from some friends, and it is just plain--they
> don't spend hours designing a mail template, or spend any time doing
> anything remotely interesting with the mail. In fact, most don't have
> any idea they're sending HTML mail because they use Outhouse or
> something and they just go with the default settings. For that reason,
> I think HTML is a waste. I mean, if you're going to waste the bandwidth,
> at least spend some time designing a nice stylesheet or something! And,
> no tables--if you can't design columns using a stylesheet, you shouldn't
> be allowed to send HTML mail!
> But it is indeed wonderful for spam.
> Todd

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