On 24 Sep, Stuart Fraser wrote:
> I have installed Linux Mandrake 6.1 several times in an attempt to get
> bootloader to install to my 16MB primary ex2 /boot partition but bootloader
> fails to load each time.  I have only an installation boot disk and don't
> have a /dev/fd0 just a superdisk /dev/hdc so I am finding hard to get into
> Linux to edit the lilo.conf files.
> Once I can get in I need to install LILO to /dev/hd2 I think it is because I
> am running bootmagic which resides in the MBR.

You're saying that you've installed Linux okay, but you can't get LILO
to work with BootMagic?  If so, then try this:

Re-run the installation, in normal mode (not expert), but when you get
to the part where it asks your about disk druid/fdisk, press Alt-F2
instead of answering.

You should see a hash mark (pound sign?) in the upper left hand corner
of the screen, and a blinking cursor beside it.  Type in 
        mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
Here, /dev/hda5 should be your root partition- the one ordinarily
mounted at /.  Most importantly, it should have the /etc/ directory on
it.  If you've used vi before (and like it), use these two commands:
        export TERM=linux
        chroot /mnt vi /etc/lilo.conf
If you'd rather use pico, change "vi" to "pico" in the above command. 
If you don't know what I'm talking about, use pico.

Now you've opened the lilo.conf file up in an editor.  Change the line
that says "boot=/dev/hda" to say "boot=/dev/hda2".  Save and exit.  Run
this command:
        chroot /mnt /sbin/lilo
Now, boot to Windows or DOS or whatever & make sure BootMagic is
pointing to the right place.  Hopefully, it will work- good luck!

-Matt Stegman

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