On 10 Feb 2003 15:04:06 +1100, Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 14:56, Russ wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
> > where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
> > the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
> > is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
> > on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
> > explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
> > floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
> > Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
> > help me keep all these things straight. 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Russ
> > 
> This is the nature of the *nix file system structure. Every partition
> and/or drive is mounted as part of the file system. This allows you to
> have many drives, but a single file structure. To my knowledge, there
> are heaps and heaps of different file managers, but nothing that will
> ever show anything like a drive.
> If you've done a default installation side-by-side with a Windows
> installation, you will find your Windows partition under /mnt/
> The true beauty of the file system was designed from the beginning (more
> than 30 years ago) to be able to have a single file system.
> If you open up a console window, you can type:
> sfdisk --list
> ...to get a listing of the partitions
> You can type:
> mount
> ...to view the drive mountings.
> If you're in KDE, you can type
> kwikdisk
> ...to show how drives are mounted and allow you to mount/unmount from
> your system tray.
> Remember that you're going to have to rethink/relearn how the file
> system works. In the reality of it, the MSDOS manner of drive labelling
> is actually more clunky and less logical...only 26 drives?
> Hmmmm...strange...(grin)
> Peace!

I agree 100%. A user should not have to even _think_ about physical devices.
Everything should be transparent in a single hierarchy. The beauty of the UNIX
way is that you can mount _any_ device (not just local partitions) at any point
in the hierarchy, providing unparallelled power and flexibility. This may not be
very evident on a single system with only a few partitions, but it becomes very
obvious when multiple partitions and networked machines are involved.

Russ, if you want to learn Linux/UNIX you will have to realise that it is a very
different system than Windows, and that everything exists for a very good
reason. You will have to 'unlearn' a lot of the (bad) habits and terms you
learnt from Windows in order to properly adjust.

Don't worry, it's isn't as hard as it sounds. I was in the same situation as
you, back in 1999. I had been using DOS/Windows since 1985, and it seemed to
make perfect sense to me. After I switched to GNU/Linux, I finally realised how
stupid things can be in the DOS/Windows world. If you open your mind, you can
learn all kinds of new and neat stuff :)

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]

  "When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare
   at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'."
                           -- Linus Torvalds

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