On Monday 10 February 2003 02:25 am, Adolfo Bello wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 23:56, Russ wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have been trying to learn how Linux's file system works and what goes
> > where. I am gaining ground. Here is my pet peeve though. When navigating
> > the various files and folders, you do not know which actual partition it
> > is on. In windows explorer it separates the drives and shows you what is
> > on each. I hate to say it (especially here) but I like how windows
> > explorer works. The left column gives you a list of all drives,
> > floppies, CD's and what not. Makes it easy to navigate your file system.
> > Is there a file manager for Linux that does this as well? This would
> > help me keep all these things straight.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Russ
> IF what you want is to have quick access to data in a drive, you can
> symlink to the mount point, like:
> ln -s /mnt/disk /a
> ln -s /mnt/windows /d
> ln -s /mnt/cdrom /e
> However, I would recommend you to unlearn that Window$ crap and stay
> with the linux/unix file system way.

Ummm Actual drive the directory is on?

Windows doesn't do that.  I can take a single drive and make 5 partitions and 
windows will tell me about C:, D:, E:, F:, G: and make my CDROM H:

Or I could have 4 drives and I would see C: D: E: F: with CDROM as G: 

And even if you wanted information about partitions....

Like suppose /dev/hda1 is /  and /dev/hda5 is swap and /dev/hda6 is /usr and 
/dev/hda7 is /home, where would you find /opt?

/opt could be part of / or it could have been set up with a symbolic link as 

ln -s /usr/opt /opt

Now with that said, the analog of explorer is like Krusader or gmc.  Just 
realize that linux is a little too flexible for windows-centric thinking.

If you want to see the top-level directories by drive and partition, that 
information is in a separate window -- call up Kwikdisk from 
Configuration->Hardware or KDiskFree from Applications-->monitoring
Both use kdf but Kwikdisk docks it into the "system tray"

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