On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 04:25, Adolfo Bello wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 23:56, Russ wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > <Snipped out prev post>

> IF what you want is to have quick access to data in a drive, you can
> symlink to the mount point, like:
> ln -s /mnt/disk /a
> ln -s /mnt/windows /d
> ln -s /mnt/cdrom /e
> However, I would recommend you to unlearn that Window$ crap and stay
> with the linux/unix file system way.

Now now dear, that windows crap (as you call it) is still useful. 
Everyone needs to learn one way or another & no way is wrong.  Not even
Windows methods.  They're just different, albeit some are more efficient
than others.  And your linking suggestion is very good for beginners &
experts alike if it helps them get around in their preferrred


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