Taki Shirayanagi wrote:

> I have been having trouble to get KPPP to work with earthlink. It will dial
> but then when i open netscape it can not connect.

        I have a virtual kppp set up on my page at
http://home.earthlink.net/~danb35; click on the "Tech Support" link, and
see if the settings match.

        To troubleshoot, try pinging something by IP address (for example, for yahoo.com), and see if you get a response.  If you do,
try entering that address in Netscape and see if it'll come up.  If you
can ping and browse by IP address, then your problem is DNS resolution. 
If not, your routing isn't set properly.

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good
with ketchup.

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