On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> This is only my suggestion, as AFAIK there are several possible causes of
> this. I also was running happily for months when all of a sudden it started
> happening - about a year ago now so nothing to do with 6.0/6.1.
> I was running a Cyrix chip which i had setup according to my motherboards
> recommendations. On further inspection the chip had different settings
> printed on the chip itself. I changed the settings on my m/b to those
> printed on the chip.
> The change effectively used a higher multiplier with a slower bus speed -
> hey presto my problems went away and never came back. I think the Cyrix
> chips may already be overclocked, so it pays to set them up slightly on the
> slower side - you REALLY won't notice the difference!

May i say you used the wrong word, you REALLY will notice that sig 11
will dissapier.

I hope i'm not going to start a cyrix users flame session, but if we
look thro'  different list archives 90% of machines which have sig11
probs have cyrix processors.

> Just a suggestion, perhaps worth checking out.

A very good suggestion if i may say so.

Regards Richard

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