For some time my partner's company were experiencing system crashes using 
Win98/2000, I persuaded them to install MD 8.0 on one lesser used PC to 
hopefully eliminate the problem.
It didn't work as I expected, the MD PC didn't crash but sufferred from random 
screen freezes.
As the building takes it's electricity from a sub-station shared with an 
industrial unit which uses fairly heavy electric motors I suspected the power 
supply to the building was to blame and suggested a good UPS - they didn't 
take up this suggestion but about a year on they had a new network installed 
which is protected by a UPS.
Now to the point, yesterday while typing an e mail the screen froze on the 
standalone MD system but the recently installed network which runs through a 
new UPS was unaffected. About 1-2 mins later an employee noticed that the 
clock on the wall was running backwards. 
I think this confirms my doubts about the building's power supply but before I 
recommend investigation in this area I would appreciate any thoughts.

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