> Well, nope. I was talking about MPlayer because it can play all kinds of
> MPEG streams. This means .mpg files,  and audio .mp3 files,

Sure. But I and probably most people don't associate mplayer with .mp3
files, but xmms, noatun, mpg123, etc. The OPs mention of mplayer
possibly incorrectly suggested he was confusing mpg's with mp3's.

> And audio.

So then is .mp3 a special form of .mpg? It would seem so. One can
record only audio on a VHS too. :)

> Umm.. i think i lost you here.. i don't see how this would help to
> store the audio stream in PCM (wav) which is what the original
> poster of this thread wanted.

It wouldn't - ahother point of confusion over what the OP wanted.
> Frankly, i never liked VCD, and i always preferred an ffmpeg-encoded
> AVI simply burnt in a CD to store my movies. VCDs don't look any better,
> and they take up much more space.

Yeah, vcd is wierd. I can play them in my computer but my bare-bones 
DVD has it disabled supposedly of piracy and licensing issues. Used to
be commonplace when there were limited ways to copy DVDs like divx or
VCD or what have you but nowadays one can just copy DVD to DVD so why

> AVI? Are you sure? I would have sworn it's MPEG2 or something..

It very well could be. I haven't looked at too many VCDs. Maybe i'm 
confusing VCD with divx videos on CD.
> Naah. It can't fetch the newspaper yet. Or make me some coffee :o)

your coffee maker isn't on the net? well, neither is mine :(

>       breakfast  <toasts [butter|jam]; coffee [black|cappuchino]>
>               NOTE: If you ask MPlayer to put sugar in your coffee,
>                       MPlayer will exit with output "Go RTFM DOCS/sugar.htm
>                       and do it yourself" and exit status 2.


> Waaay too complex :o)
> mplayer -ao pcm inputfile.mpga -aofile outputfile.wav

Hmm. I'll have to play with that some. 

> Sox is a great program, but i haven't taken the time to learn about it,
> because, so far, i never needed it...

Nowadays there are better methods, but sox has been around for a
while. Its syntax is rather difficult though. I've been using it some
to record right off of the soundcard while listening to streams etc. 
That's pretty cool.

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