I would agree with the other respondents... you're way underpowered on RAM if you want a useable machine, especially with KDE.
I have a Pentium 200 MMX with 64 MB of RAM.  My installation took just about 1 hour- 4 times better than yours with only twice the RAM.  But I'm not looking for performance, either... I was just looking for a machine that would work so I could learn Linux and see what's what.  The research I did beforehand said that Mandrake 9.0 was the only distro that would run in graphics mode with only 64 MB of RAM- and I'm running Gnome, not KDE.
Red Hat needed 128 MB in graphics mode.
Not sure how- but maybe you could run in text-only mode and bag the graphics?  Set up a little server (HTTP, FTP, mail, etc.) and use telnet or SSH to get in.  A Pentium-II or Pentium-III with 128 or 256 MB of RAM should not be THAT expensive at this point, and would give you a half way decent workstation... just a thought.
Marlo Montanaro
Registered Linux User 303184

"There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Rodolfo Lima
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of RAM and a 4Gb HD connected to a lan The problem is that the whole installation took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a whole was slow, even the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert mode). And afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other program launch. What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be tweaked in some way? Any incompatibilities?
Thanks in advance,
Rodolfo Lima.

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