To anyone thats interested, i now have the info that i need to have a go at
this kernel recompile to fix the problem with the SBLive! under 6.1

FYI, it is (apparently) simply to ensure that version information for
loadable modules is disabled (should really have figured that one out for
myself), so shouldn't give me any grief to do - don't know if it will effect
any other modules mind.

If it really does work i will post an update to my web site and let everyone
know. Don't know how long it will be able to stay there for though as i
don't have a huge bandwidth allocation before my ISP will start screaming!

Also note, that due to my PC being in a different part of the country to me
at the moment i won't be able to try this until the weekend at the earliest
so please don't hassle me before ;o)


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