On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 03:50, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Thursday 06 March 2003 10:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:
> >
> > Very nice. I considered moving to RH8 after seeing its font treatment in a
> > screenshot, but I didn't want to trouble with learning another system and
> > I like the MDK community.
> >
> Good, because RedHat proved that beauty is only skin deep.  Despite all the 
> raving of the quality and professionalism of the distro, it all pretty much 
> sucked under the hood.  I believe there have been like 5 kernel upgrades 
> already.

The RH 8.0 release came in answer to the MDK 9.0 release - it was more
an exercise in "prettying up the GUI's and melting the WM's into one
desktop environment" - only way I can think about putting it. Under the
hood, it sucked/sucks - kernel versions are still below 2.4.20 - still
unsure what kernel the next release, RH 8.1 is going to be - but
overall, in having to deal with RH quite a bit, 8.0 sucked. I won't put
it on my production boxes preferring to stick with 7.3 and (yeah,
believe it or not) MDK on the workstations.

Fri,  7 Mar 2003 06:05:00 +1100
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 linux user:267497 * RH 7.3 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

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