>I have a second CD drive that my bios sees when booting, but I can't seem 
>figure out how to mount it.  It's an older ATAPI 4x setup as a slave on the
>secondary IDE channel.  I can mount the primary but not the secondary.
>There's no line for it in etc/fstab and I'm not really sure  what I should
>put in there.  I've been RTFM'ing but I can't seem to figure this out.
>Shouldn't I see something for it in etc or dev?  It's probably something
>really simple or really stupid that I missed.

mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2

(Make sure u have the mount point /mnt/cdrom2, if no just mkdir /mnt/cdrom2)

If you want to put in /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660,auto

(will auto mount your cdrom2 when boot time)


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