I have no idea if my findings will help find a fix, but since I wanted wheel
support for my intellimouse V1.1a - I have issued the command from the
console from time to time, but never seen the scroll wheel work - however I
often get a response that it is already running (wasn't my doing!) and might
behave oddly - I use KDE and gnome - but mostly gnome.

At install I have always said no to ANY emulations on any of the hardware -
I wanted to see what Linux was like at base level before complicating things
by getting clever! Since it does not seem to be working, then whatever you
do may not get the result we would all wish for. It may be that be are
seeing the birth of a bug? Perhaps it needs an update?

As a side issue - I have felt it must be possible to have the click on the
wheel serve as middle mouse button, anyone know if this has been done, and
if so, how?


Or when that server is down go direct to http://www.btinternet.com/~bay56/

----- Original Message -----
From: pete moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] loading imwheel at x startup?

> this doesnt work.  whenever i put this in ~/.xinitrc, X refuses to
> start.  if i rm .xinitrc, then x runs fine.  i have been using gnome
> lately.  when i used kde, i just linked it from my autostart folder and
> it worked everytime.  is there another method besides using the .xinitrc
> file?
> :P
> > One way is to put
> >
> > imwheel -k
> >
> > in your .xinitrc
> >
> > See http://www.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll and
> >
> > http://solaris1.mysolution.com/~jcatki/imwheel/
> >

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