
This is the first time i use (well, at least tried to use) linux, so  please
don't come with too complicated answers  ;-).

I own an Apple Macintosh G4/800 (768 megs of Ram, ATI Radeon graphics card)
and i just  downloaded Mandrake Linux v 8.2. I copied one  partition of 5 gb
to another, restarted, booted  with the "c" key pressed to boot from CD, and
i  typed "install-radeon".
All looked nice and worked fine until i let  "diskdrake" automaticly
(thought that with  "automaticly" nothing could go wrong) partition  the
free 5 gb. Then it showed this error "No free  space for 1MB bootstrap". I
thought "Ok, then I'll do it  manually", so i made a 250 mb SWAP partition,
a linux partition  and a bootpartition of 10 mb. Then the install  started
and finished, but then it came with this error (connected to the bootstrap
error I think):

Please wait, loading kernel...
hd:13,/vmlinuz-2.4.17-17mdk: Unknown or corrupt  filesystem

After trying many different things, including  keeping some free
unpartitioned space (I got also errors about installing the bootloader
sometimes) i removed my  whole drive from my computer and put in an empty
old 4 gb drive. I told the installer to format the  entire HD and then
automaticly partition it, and then again: "No free space for 1MB  bootstrap"

So again i set up the partitions manually, 1  linux, 1 swap, 1 boot, and
then it installed,  after restart exact the same error as mentioned  above
(Unknown or corrupt filesystem)!! So i tried  installing another 5 times
with all different  partition methods, no result... Can anyone please  tell
me what i do wrong?


PS: This is also the first time I use a mailing list...

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