On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 10:15, Dennis & Sue wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Since just acquiring this fine thing I was wondering if anyone has had an
> experience installing Mandrake onto one ?
> 400 Mhz
> 128 meg RAM
> 3com cardbus fast ethernet
> texas instruments pci 1225 cardbus controller
> neomagicmagic graph 256 AV display
> neomagic magic media 256 AV sound /audio

Holy Cow! Dang - that thing sounds like an absolute SCREAMER mate! Dunno
if there's an OS that can handle such a monster machine! Don't think
that OS/2 has drivers for it yet...but hey, I'll be it can defrag faster
than dirt!


I installed RH on a machine like that - about a year ago - the only
thing I had a problem with was the onboard video - so I think that due
to it's age, you shouldn't have a problem with drivers in MDK 9.0 (or
even MDK 8.2)

Have you tried booting up the first CD with it yet to see how far you
get or if the graphical installer takes over?

Sat Mar 15 10:20:00 EST 2003
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|      '  `-`' "         "     | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * MDK 9.1 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

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dark to read.
                -- Groucho Marx

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