sorry... i'm just read  email from anne wilson about wierd fonts in

>>> Have you checked the kde fonts page

>>>K > Control Centre > LookNFeel > Fonts

>>>to make sure that they are pointing at sensible ones?  There's also an
>>>for anti aliasing on that page.


perhaps my problem is  anti aliasing not worked.
i'll try it 1st



----- Original Message -----
From: "Damian Gatabria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] font's appearance , win vs linux

> On Monday 17 de March 2003 22:44, indra wrote:
> > hi all..
> >
> > i've install Windows & mandrake in my pc.,
> > if i compare between windows & linux i saw that in linux environment,
> > font appearance (ie. in html document) doesn't smooth.... so it's not
> > comfortable to see HTML document in my linux...
> >
> > any suggest please..
> >
> > TIA
> >
> >
> > Indee.
> Well, for HTML, you can use texstar's Mozilla XFT package (XFT is
> similar to Windows XP's "ClearType" system), if you want to improve
> fonts system-wide you can also install texstar's freetype/qt packages,
> you can also upgrade your KDE to version 3.1 .....
> Texstar's RPMs are hosted on
> OR you can hold your breath a few weeks and get Mandrake 9.1 when
> it goes out. :o)
> Damian


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