On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> In that case the RPM for QT2 should just install just the same. But it
> won't. I want to manually compile Licq. I can't get past installing QT2.
> This blows.
The difference between installing QT2 and LICQ is that QT
is a programming library, whereas LICQ is an app. Apps can
be compiled with the appropriate libraries statically
linked into the binary release, which negates the necessity
of having the library on your system.

Why do you insist on compiling it yourself anyway? What is the
fascination people have for compiling everything
themselves??? :-) Seriously, QT2 has, AFAIK, problems with
the version that runs KDE 1.1.x. QT2 will be required for
KDE2.x.x, IIRC. Just live w/o QT2 and you'll have MUCH less
headaches. If you insist on having two versions of QT
installed, you'll need to go to some trouble to make sure
KDE knows where to find it's version. 

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