On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> I too would also be interested as to why LinuxConf is a security risk. I
> don't actually intend to make a direct connection out, I'm relying on Win98
> SE to make my internet connection, but if LinuxConf has other risks, I'd
> like to know about them.
Well, as I said earlier (our messages probably crossed in
the email. <G>) it *probably* is a security risk because
that service MAY be for running LinuxConf from remote. You
can still run LinuxConf from the local console, even with
that turned off. 
I'm just going by what my mentor/boss said and
extrapolating. That's why I go into inetd.conf and comment
out every service in there...I don't want to leave ANY of
those services available. :-)

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