On Saturday 29 March 2003 01:01 pm, dfox wrote:
> I'm using Evolution in 9.1 and brought in my big mail spool in
> /var/spool/mail/dfox (35 megabytes approximately) and it doesn't
> seem to want to bring in new messages as they arrive. I can see how
> to import the messages into Evelution in the first place (which I did)
> but if I do that again, I'll get a rash of duplicate mails in my
> evolution inbox. I didn't clear out the spool, and neither did
> Evolutinn. And new mails just arrived.
> Evolution is set to automatically bring in new messages every 10 minutes
> but after having it open for sometime it doesn't appear to get new
> messages.

Hey, dfox.  I'm having a very similar problem here with Evolution; the one 
that comes with 9.1.  It chokes on large message downloads.  In my case, it 
starts a pop message summary, (the thing it does before the main message 
download) and then hangs there for ages on end.  This never happened with 
Evolution 1.02.  Also I started out with a fresh Evo directory with nothing 
there, and then imported everything.  This should have been a clean solution 
that led to no conflicts.  But it was not.

What I have been doing is to use kmail to download the mail into it's inbox, 
which is configured to store into mbox format.  Then I have been importing 
the kmail inbox mail into Evolution, and then applying filters.  Yes, it's a 
pain ITA, but at least I've been able to keep the mail coming in until I can 
figure which way to go.  Stephen's fetchmail solution had occurred to me, and 
indeed I did install it last week, but in the beginning it was faster for me 
to download new mail into kmail and then import.  I've just kept doing that 
because it works.

This Evolution problem is one of the things that has kept me in limbo between 
8.2 and 9.1.

I like Evolution, but at 25000 messages per folder it really starts to slow 
down.  It seems to be slightly worse with the new version; it might be my 
imagination but the new Evolution seems slower than the old; and I switch 
back and forth between the new and old regularly, since I don't have 
everything sorted out yet.  I suspect that the new version of Kmail would be 
faster under the same circumstances as Evo because Kmail is smaller and 
tighter than Evolution, but that's unconfirmed as yet.  From what I've seen so 
far though I don't think Kmail is usable in my situation.

Kmail 1.5 is really improved over the old version of Kmail I used to use, and 
now it has SMTP authentication.  Very important if you've got a yahoo mail 
account.  Of course it doesn't have some of the "outlook" style features of 
Evo, like the calendar, but that is part of it's appeal as well, because the 
features that *are* there (like the contact list) are relevant to it's purpose 
as an email client.

The real solution to the email client problem would be for the clients to 
start using MySQL for message storage.  Storage of email data on the order of 
25000 messages or more per folder is a data task that has already been handled 
by other, more  capable, data storage solutions, and thus IMO should be 
handed off to those  services.  It would greatly simplify the efforts of the 
email client coders.  However since I don't see anything like that yet, I 
continue to migrate my massive message base over to 9.1 Evo as best I can.

2nite I noticed that Kmail has some new advantages and disadvantages.  Unlike 
Evolution, Kmail tracks the messages that it has downloaded by storing their 
message ID numbers in it's kde/apps directory.  Therefore it eliminates the 
risk of downloading duplicate messages.  BUT, it does not seem to understand 
how to delete messages from the yahoo servers.  Therefore, although you can 
keep downloading and loading the inbox withtout dupes, you have to go back to 
yahoo and manually delete everything you already have.  This is another PITA.

Good luck in solving your problem.  Hope this has given you some ideas if 
nothing else. :)


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