On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 13:24, Terry Smith wrote:
> As always, excellent advice from Derek.
> It looks like there may be an easier way to go as of today.
> NVIDIA has announced an automated shell script which will automagically
> check your machine, select and install the right drivers. See
> http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=linux_display_ia32_1.0-4349
> I haven't tried it but a friend at work who is on day two of his linux
> newbie career managed to get his GEForce4 up and running by simply
> executing the script.
> Good for Nvidia!
> Terry Smith
> Hatchville, MA

I reckon if it's that easy, I won't trust it. Going to write my own
driver for their card in assembly code which should take about two years
of time.

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