On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 19:04, Netsonic wrote:
> Something Ive never actually looked at with regard to Linux.
> Is it possible to just not use a swap partition at all.
> The intended machine has 768 Mb Ram.
> Would this speed Linux up ?? Or am i better keeping the swap partition.
> Stevo

By nature - linux, unix or any other variant, needs SOME swap - even a
little. By normal rote, swap is to be the same as your physical RAM or
double. Some distros, like RedHat, require twice the amount as per
physical RAM - some don't, but do require something.

I have 768mb of RAM on this box, and have set aside 1536mb for swap -
and I might increase it even more because I'm using applications that
require large amounts of swap (video editing/mucking around with large
audio files); it's dependent on your usage of the system.

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