On Friday March 28 I decided it was time to jump to 9.1. A 2 days
download time taking into consideration my slow ADSL connection and
servers overload.

I have a dual boot Toshiba laptop (XP Pro is the other one). As I wanted
to change my partitions scheme I also went to install everything from

After installing XP, my CD drive died. An unmerciful, horrible death. On
monday, I went to a Toshiba representative and at the moment they didn't
carry my CD drive model. Fortunately, they provided me with another
laptop, "almost" the same as mine. They switched the hard drives and I
just went on with the installation of everything in the borrowed laptop
(with my hard drive).

I noticed that the NIC and video card were different, but anyway I kept
installing Windows packages and, finally, Mandrake 9.1.

Yesterday, I switched back laptop (and hard drives) and this is where
the interesting story begins:

1.- I've been unable to boot XP. It just crashes after showing the
splash with the XP logo. No matter whether I pick safe mode in any
flavor or normal, it just crashes. I left alone in its coma.

2.- OTH, Mandrake 9.1 alerted me that the NIC and video card didn't
matched the drivers previously selected, picked the right ones and
started without any additional hassle whatsoever.

The only problem that I had (not related to 9.1) was that Evolution
corrupted my old settings for folders and filters (I had read that there
were some problems upgrading from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3) but after a boring
import process everything is back to normal.

The only thing that kept bugging me is keventd overloading the processor
if I turn ACPI on. If I turn it off then the sound driver is not loaded
(problem with IRQ 0). An interesting challenge for easter.

I just wanted to share this eXPerience and to say that 9.1 is just
amazing and beautiful!


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