Hi all,

I have two hard disk drives.  My primary master is a 14.4 GB that has
one partition (Win98 and all apps, data, etc.).  My primary slave is a
2.5 GB with no data on it.

I tried to install Linux-Mandrake, with the intention of putting it on
the smaller HDD.  I messed around with Disk Druid, and I thought I told
it to create two new partitions (Linux native and Linux swap) on the
smaller HDD.  It messed up, though, and I had to reboot.  Now, Disk
Druid, Linux's fdisk, and Win98's fdisk all say that that drive is not
accessable.  Win98's fdisk is the only util that will actually do
something with the drive.  It appears to let me delete the two
partitions and create a new one, but when I reboot, I run Win98's fdisk
again and it still gives me the same warning message and the two non-DOS
partitions on the drive.  It appears totally FUBARed.  Any ideas?

Kevin DeGraaf

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