On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 10:27:14PM -0400, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 June 2003 02:58 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> > Hi friends, want some inspiration ? :
> >
> > http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9842
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> Kaj:
> To me, the fascinating part about this is that the scruffy, unshaven, 
> pony-tailed, ill-clothed, Jolt-swilling, bedroom-dwelling hackers took the 
> high priced suits to court and won the first battle! Granted it's only a 
> minor victory on a remote battlefield in a war that could well drag on for a 
> long time, but it is a win. Perhaps it will make the fools at SC0 wonder what 
> will happen when their high priced suits take on IBM's even higher-priced 
> suits in court.
> I ran across this link tonight: http://aaxnet.com/editor/edit032.html. This 
> guy is a VAR who has been selling SC0 and Caldera systems to small businesses 
> for a long time. He ain't happy.
> -- cmg

To me, this points out the differences in legal systems. Perhaps in
Germany, one has to actually offer proof when they try to spread FUD,
whereas in the US, the spinmeisters and media whores are only too happy
to print and repeat any half-truth, statistic, and outright lie.

First Munich, now this; if only I spoke German!


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