Just type 'q' (without quotes) to exit the man pages.

On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 21:16, The Other wrote:
> 06/06/03
> When Mandrake 9.1 is booting up, the list of services and whatnot 
> scrolls by with everything as OK, with the one exception of 'acpi' 
> It hasn't done this before.  Is this a problem to be concerned about?
> And for the second question:
> I understand how to read a 'man' page by executing 'man 
> *program/command*'
> What I've yet to figure out is HOW TO GET OUT OF 'MAN' !([EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [I'd be happy to 'man acpi' if I could get out of the man pages.]
> What is the special keystroke sequence to gracefully exit the 'man' 
> system?
> Thanks All,
> The Other  (much calmer now)
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