----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: [Re: [newbie] Upgradeing all packages destroys my system]]

> Let's get past all of the Windows-centric thinking that we've become
> accustomed to.  Full reinstalls are rarely necessary.  Reboots are
> rarely necessary.  Applications do not crash the operating system.

I have for the last few years been an Amiga refugee - forced into exile in
the Win world - and frankly hated it for the most part - every day felt
wrong, like it didn't fit  - now I am a linux newbie (day 6), and in the
last couple of days was starting to notice little niceties which I had
nearly forgotten all about, and almost discovering them afresh. What you
have said has bought back many memories, and much hope for the future -
thanks for it. This could hardly have come at a more pivotal moment for me!

I had become stale and easy to please under Win - what piffle that stuff
really is - only a couple of days ago I found out for myself about the myth
of MS long file names - how can anyone think that an illusion like that is
ever going to succeed at doing anything other than fooling people? The real
macoy is what's called for. Enough of this damn fooling about, time for some
real stuff! OK MS you got one seaked past me - but now I have found you
out - god help you. Your credibility in total tatters now. It's so easy to
get taken in by sales type people these days - and boy does it happen
gradually - how incidious that cancer which is MS. Heads Up - the rats are
amongst the corn!

Sorry to have ranted a little, but some days the scales just fall from the
eyes, and you spot your culprit clear in the sights - I'm not religous by
any stretch of anyone's imagination, but that has to be like what people
mean when they say "a religious experience" - well at least I don't have to
wonder about that now! ;-)

I was going to take it e-mail, but why not share a good feeling? We're all
in this together aren't we?


Or when that server is down go direct to http://www.btinternet.com/~bay56/

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