On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 15:05, MG wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 May 2003 07:44 pm, you wrote:
> >
> > I used Civileme's 'Xtart', too...for a while. Whether it's a matter of
> > environment deficiencies or what...under different managers some
> > programs won't run or come up properly. If I remember correctly,
> > Blackbox won't allow me to exit, so I end up crashing it with
> > <CTR>-<ALT>-BackSpace>. Is there suppose to be some limitations
> > within each of these due to environment differences from switching
> > from one to the other? I love little applet, but the results have
> > been frustrating at times.
> >
> > T
> Originally I wanted to explore most of the wm's easily and Xtart was 
> recommended. But I did not explore as much as I wanted too...  :-)
> In Blackbox if you right click desktop > session > windowmanagers > exit
>  should get you out it. I am not sure why programs run on some and not on 
> others, but I am pretty green to most this anyways (but haven' a blast! 
> learning)
> mike

A lot of that could be due to library paths or system paths - if there's
an aberration in the system paths, library paths or what-have-you, it's
going to act flaky.

Thu May 29 08:45:00 EST 2003
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 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

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that think they are truffles.
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