On Wednesday May 28 2003 01:10 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
> Actually, I didn't really want an nforce2 motherboard. I just
> went for this one because it had AGP 8x and got high reviews.
> Could anyone point me to a motherboard that works well with
> linux, is not too terribly expensive, and has support for AGP 8x
> (I am going to try a Radeon with the new FireGL drivers, they are
> supposed to have good support with X and WineX).


   Keep in mind these recommends are hardware and not platform 
orientated. For Linux, I'd recommend stickin to VIA and /or AMD 
chipset boards.  The 'high reviews' you cite are for windoze 
systems. AGP 8x is a marketing joke. AGP 4x began to negate any 
advantages over PCI graphics cards (which BTW, AGP is just a subset 
of the PCI spec). The increased load of AGP on the systems 
cpu/cache/ram, begins to negate it's dubious advantages overall, 
which at best are slight anyhow.

   Charles is the expert on Radeons, but it's generally advised to 
go for an older lesser model if you want to use it with Linux and 
XFree86, as ATI's Linux support sort'a sux, month's late an short. 
Barely just better than nVidia's. 
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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