On Fri, 30 May 2003 09:05:53 -0600
Charlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> quoting Len Lawrence's missive of Thursday 29 May 2003 11:37 pm:
> > Need your help again folks!
> >
> > Been swithering for months about taking up Telewest on their
> > BlueYonder offer.  Already have TV and telephone on cable.  Next year
> > I may be able to afford a high end notebook, which I would use for the
> > broadband connection, leaving my 2 PCs upstairs on the 56K modem
> > connection to Demon for email.
> ----------- snip -----------------------
> If the pages that I linked below is any indication the service will work with 
> Mandrake just fine:
> http://www.ordior.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/BySwFAQ.html#sw7
> Also this one with references to Mandrake:
> http://www.by-users.co.uk/faqs/linux/
> and finally here:
> http://www.wellsted.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/config-linux.html
> -------- snip ----------

> Let's look at a case shall we? A downstairs neighbour subscribed to the 
> service a few months back. She was running a box with Windows 98 SE and was 
> told she had to pick up the modem and NIC, install the card into a PCI slot, 
> connect the power cord and RJ45 cable then; "Load the install disk and run it 
> to configure the system which changes the browser branding and configures the 
> operating system, mail client, and network card" etc and so on. Or set up an 
> appointment to have a tech come out to do it for her. Sure she did. I had to 
> show her how install a set of drivers for her NIC, then manually set up 
> (winipcfg) entries for the DNS servers (memorized) etc., then argue with 
> Windows a bit since it's been such a long time since I helped anyone set up 
> any connection under Windows. After finally getting a connection, optimizing 
> it, and fiddling to set up the initial e-mail account I rebooted her system 
> and ran it from a Knoppix 3.2 disk. I had to do _nothing_ to have a 
> connection, the system found and configured what was needed automagically.
> So did Mandrake 9.0. Just had to give it the (memorized) mail server names. I 
> don't think there would be a difference with 9.1; at least I haven't had to 
> do anything weird with the 21 systems I have helped people install it on.

All that is very encouraging.

> Mandrake is smarter than any version of Windows, more configurable after the 
> fact, and you can count on the people here to help more than you ever could 
> any Windows forum/list/user news group. Right?

Right on.
> Just as an aside that 2.0MB service seems to be about equivalent to what my 
> ISP here calls "Shaw Lite" which denotes a lower bandwidth service roughly 
> equal to what's available from the phone company for aDSL at the same 
> (roughly +/- $5) price of CDN$29.95 per month. 1.5 MB download, 756 KB upload 
> speeds. The regular cable or "Shaw High Speed Internet" is rated at 8.0 MB 
> down and 1.5 MB up. The cost is CDN$42.95 per month, or that plus digital 
> cable for CDN$89.95. One must purchase the set top digital cable box for an 
> additional CDN$89.95 for that though. Or (barf!) rent it monthly.
> I'm only comparing prices etc for the simple reason that I think you poor 
> benighted souls in the U.K. pay far too much for service. 

Amongst other things.

> I'm also wondering when the provider here will start bundling telephone 
> service as well. <g> I hope some of this helps you.
It sure does Charlie.  Will go right ahead and order the service.  Thanks 
for your help, and thanks to the other posters as well.
Len Lawrence
Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on too long.
                -- Ogden Nash

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