
> > I disagree. Timmies is the best EVER! DD sucks.
> Oh yeah? Well, OUR prime minister can beat up YOUR prime minister!

You're joking of course?  You better be joking or we're throwing you out as 
being psychologically unfit to be an Aussie.  Are we both thinking of the 
same guy?  Eyebrows Howard?  Even Giggles Downer could be him with one good 
Bitch Slap!!!  Of course I hate to admit that I have more respect for the guy 
as a politician in this century than I did in the last, but what kind of 
wussy, cry baby, limp wristed, fur wearing, mascara'd Prime Minister would a 
person have to be to get beaten by Eyebrows? <VBG>

      Trevor Rhodes
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 01:33:15 up  2:26,  3 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.14, 1.11
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!

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