I just sent the webmaster an email asking for the going price of
microshaft..should be free, LOL. But then again it is probably owned by
Microsoft and they would probably tell me that even though I bought it, they
really own it and are just letting me use it. We should take up a collection
to purchase this site and use it to its full potential...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of JoeHill
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 2:26 PM

On 01 Jun 2003 20:38:33 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> ...so ya got enough gutz to slag on Gates and Ballmer, but ya ain't
> got enough gutz to sling yer pic on YER OWN WEBSITE?

nodex.sytes.net/family/ , just for you. I put the one with my wife first
because she's a lot nicer to look at, IMO.

> Gads mate - you need to find a better drug dealer!

mmmmm, no I don't. I need to find more money to *pay* him.

> BTW, you need a bigger coffee mug, too.(g)

I know, I know, I hate having to run upstairs every 15 minutes to refill
that thing!

what was this thread again? oh ya, why don't we all throw in some cash
and buy microshaft.com?

I got 10 bucks in my wallet, but it's Canadian :D

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