On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 01:38, Trevor Rhodes wrote:
> Stephen,
> > > I disagree. Timmies is the best EVER! DD sucks.
> >
> > Oh yeah? Well, OUR prime minister can beat up YOUR prime minister!
> You're joking of course?  You better be joking or we're throwing you out as 
> being psychologically unfit to be an Aussie.  Are we both thinking of the 
> same guy?  Eyebrows Howard?  Even Giggles Downer could be him with one good 
> Bitch Slap!!!  Of course I hate to admit that I have more respect for the guy 
> as a politician in this century than I did in the last, but what kind of 
> wussy, cry baby, limp wristed, fur wearing, mascara'd Prime Minister would a 
> person have to be to get beaten by Eyebrows? <VBG>
>  Regards
>       Trevor Rhodes

I'd reckon that Johnnie-boy could beat up, er, that Canuck guy! And
maybe, er, uh, Chris Rock? (Ya ever notice that for a 63 year old he
ain't got very many wrinkles?)

Mon Jun  2 06:45:01 EST 2003
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