On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 15:03, Thomas Williams wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 21:48:56 -0600
> FemmeFatale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > if you live in canada i'll send you my discs by mail.  I have no use for 
> > them as I have 3 copies of 8.2 IIRC.
> Sorry, I live in  the US. Thanks for the offer though. 
> Tom

DUDE, so so so sorry to hear that.

I've set up a fund here in Australia for Americans that are trying to
escape the ravages and horrors of living in the US; I reckon I've got
about $10 USD so far - I've been trying to solicit donations from my
neighbours and others, but they're not too keen on the whole thing,
having an American already in the neighbourhood, and I have this
distinct feeling they're trying to find a way to move me out.

Tue Jun  3 15:05:01 EST 2003
 15:05:01 up 4 days, 14 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.34, 0.18, 0.16
|            __    __          |kuhn media australia            |
|           /-oo /| |'-.       |http://kma.0catch.com           |
|          .\__/ || |   |      |================================|
|       _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'      |stephen kuhn                    |
|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1 & RH 7.3  
     Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Kids, don't gross me off ... "Adventures with MENTAL HYGIENE" can be
carried too FAR!

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