Hello Tom,

Thursday, June 12, 2003, 10:54:10 AM, you wrote:

>> That's exactly what I did, but it didn't kill it. I'd run top, get
>> the PID, exit top, kill it, go back to top, and it's still there.
>> Any idea why?

TB>    Usually I start with a 'killall <app-name>'  If that doesn't get 
TB> it done I run 'wpid <app-name>' to get the pid(s) and then 
TB> 'kill -9' all the relevant pid's.   (alias wpid='ps aux | grep')

When I ran kill -9 x, it seemed to disable the entire machine. I
couldn't log on remotely anymore, and nothing else responded. Should
there be something still running when x is killed ungracefully, or is
that just inviting a crash?

I tried running ps aux | grep appname, but it gives me an error. Does
linux treat alises as (some alias) appname?

Thank you,
 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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