On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 2:57 pm, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
> Sure thing. My smb.conf file is at /etc/samba/  . It says under
> [printers] "path = /var/spool/samba" and yes my jobs are there.
> It also says "workgroup =  MDKGROUP" under  [global]
> Is this file editable? And does it "config" samba ?
It does, indeed.  The workgroup needs setting to whatever your windows 
boxes use, and remember that it's case sensitive.

I would definitely delete those jobs in the queue.  If they can't be 
processed for any reason they will block the queue for other jobs.  
If you are printing from a windows box, did you install the windows 
drivers on the box, or try to use cups?  Finally, the windows boxes 
probably have to have the output set to raw on the advanced 

How did you set up your samba configuration?  And how did you set up 
the printer sharing?  Can you remind us where you want to print from 
and to?


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